Annual Report 2020 - Reports of the Federal Highway Research Institute

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Dear Reader, The annual report was always a particular focus for our president, Stefan Strick, to give you insights into the latest results of our work. We defined the focal areas of the report with him every year, discussing which contributions to select. This was also the case with the current report. You will be missing his words in the preface. We are sorry to inform you that we lost him far too early and unexpectedly in late February. He died at the age of 61 after a brief serious illness. Stefan Strick had been the president of the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt) since 2011. He decisively shaped BASt with his ideas during this time – and we intend to continue on this path. He was a member of many national and international committees. International cooperation was of particular importance to him. He committed to it in particular as the president of the Forum of European Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) from 2014 to 2016. He established numerous cross-border cooperation, for example, with Australia, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Denmark, with Austria and Switzerland, as well as with Poland and the Czech Republic. During his tenure, a testing facility that is unique around the world was created – BASt’s demonstration, testing and referencing premises (duraBASt). Stefan Strick established the “Innovation Program for Roads” funding program as an instrument to strengthen innovative developments in road construction, and he consistently pursued the goal of forward-looking and comprehensive digitalisation in all areas of BASt research. With Stefan Strick, BASt not only loses its president but also an esteemed and attentive colleague who was able and willing to listen. We will miss his character, his experience and competence, both highly respected in Germany and abroad. He placed a special focus on the next generation of scientists, for example, by supporting PhD programs. Many young colleagues will be “heard”, for instance, in this year’s 2020 annual report. About 60 authors report on ongoing BASt projects, ranging from re-evaluating the alcohol ban for novice drivers, to speaking roadworks, airbags for cyclists, drones measuring air pollutants, resilient road tunnels, to concrete pavement 4.0 and selected BASt projects in the scope of the BMVI Network of Experts. They all have frequently worked from home – as so many did in this year shaped by the pandemic. “Mobile working” became the standard way of everyday working for many people. A retrofitted IT infrastructure, new processes and new means of communication have made it possible to successfully continue our research activities. Allow us to show you the varied day-to-day work of BASt employees in 2020 with this report. BASt’s staff unit Press and Communication.



BASt - A - 45

Weitere Informationen
ISBN 978-3-95606-615-3
Erscheinungsjahr 2021
Seitenzahl 84
Einband PDF
Auflage 1